These are diary entries.
love - 11:40 p.m. 03.31.2002
Long and Preachy Crap:::

Alena is way too harsh on herself. Everyone needs to cut themselves way more slack, and love themselves a whole lot more.

She is the best. But, so am I. No matter what she fails at, she has to understand that she still IS the best.

Others can beat her at Things, but never at being her.

I know in my head that not everyone can rule at all. I know in my head that that one special person may not be me. But, I also know in my heart that that person is me. Whether he is or not.

More importantly, I also know that that person could be you. And so, I'll try and love us both.

Even if I fail some of the time. Even if I start with mostly me.

She should try the same. -- With her, not me.

I wish she loved herself as much as I love her.

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