These are diary entries.
letdown - 12:26 p.m. 05.11.2002
�����I feel a little let down and a little like a let down.

�����I know Berkeley is supposed to be an awesome school and I really am excited to go there. However, after three years of my mother's screaming about Ivys, and the repeated questions of them at school, I kinda feel defeated.
�����I know people who got into top ranked schools with lower GPA and lower SAT than me. But one is of ethnicity. And one just played more sports. I guess I could have done more in school. But can I practice being Mexican?

�����I don't really think I'm jealous, but I do feel a little down about it. Why work so hard and take all those classes? I did get into the same school as someone else a full point lower, GPA.

�����Maybe there are other standard to base on and maybe I'm just not looking at them right now and maybe it sounds cocky to say this, but I do know one thing. Despite the schools I did get accepted to, it still feels like a waste of time.
�����I guess I feel just a little let down.

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