These are diary entries.
stagnancy - 2:12 a.m. 11.10.2002
�����Oooookay. Most boring weekend ever. Not a big problem. The larger problem is:
�����It's nearly indistinguishable from every other recent one I've had.

�����People are dating their girlfriends. People are advancing relationships. People are being with their friends and accomplishing tasks they've set for themselves. People are happy.
�����I don't feel like (for good reason) I'm doing any of the above. My girlfriend is six hours away. My friends are seven the opposite direction. I'm not in the school or place I wanted to be. Every portion of my life, aside from scholastic, has become completely stagnant. Nothing's moving forward. It isn't that I've put my life on hold while in school. They're far from mutually exclusive.
�����I just have no drive right now. It's been sapped from me. And I don't know where it's gone. Aside from giving up and going back to Agoura, aside from impossibilities, I don't know what I'd want to be doing anyway. I'm passing time photoshopping stupid crap and trading concerts I might not even listen to. Relentlessly checking message boards and websites five or six times between an update. They're just to fill my time. To take up large, disgusting blocks of my largely wasted time. The most active thing I do in a week is hang out in my room with Alex.

�����I tried to go out somewhere tonight, but there's just nowhere to go. Nowhere I'm interested in at least. Compound this with the fact that somewhere around half of the campus is gone, at home, for this three-day weekend, room mate included, and you have one bummer of a birthday weekend. Ah, the bonus of living near your home. Visits. To and from your friends. At the very least to get the hell out of this oppresive, boring dorm community.

�����Today was a laundry, homework, boring day. Nothing accomplished.
�����No different from any other day.

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