These are diary entries.
backlog - 1:07 a.m. 02.14.2003
     I feel the need to post here only because I haven't in a couple days (TWO weeks??).
     Summing up this week. . .

The guys came and visted this last weekend. (woo!) Marteney, Zack, and Manchild at least. While there, we found what might be the happiest place on Earth. Screw Disneyland. I swear this place was made for us.
     First floor: Playstation Store! Sony Store! (I got three free demo games.) Second floor: Games Workshop Store! Everquest Store! Arcade. Retro arcade. Free anime theater. Third floor: Video games. Movie Theater.
     Jesus. Why don't they have one of these in every city? Better still, why isn't every city made of these? I vote Metreon for mayor. Of the world.

     While the guys were over, (as you may have seen), Manchild and I did a little recording. Err, not necesarilly all great music, but fun nonetheless. Since then, I've actually written two more songs of my own. You don't even want to know the subject matter, heh. Or do you? B-Sides, maybe? :)
I'm still deciding what to do with this wealth of musical "talent".

     This weekend. Hey! I'm home! Posting this from Agoura. Went out to dinner with Matt and my parents this weekend. Not sure what I'm doing the rest. Wish I could see Alena this V-Day, though. I understand she's gotta work, but still. Wish I could pay a visit or something.

     On a related note, however, I really must say: I miss sex. Sex is good. And I need more of it. One-man-sex just ain't the same.
     You know that kinda sex that leaves marks? Like, leopard stripes down your back? I miss that. You can't do that on your own without being crazy. Since this whole split thing, I've had way too little of that. I mean, I'm a pretty sexual guy. I can do without, but that doesn't mean it isn't on my mind. Near constantly. I need an Alena visit for more reasons than one.
     I'm also aware that leopards don't have stripes. That's just what I call the marks.

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