These are diary entries.
well and good - 9:51 p.m. 04.09.2003
     I'm sorry.
     It dawns on me that the last entry in this thing was a kindofa downer, whereas, right now, I am not.

     Let's see. . .
     Hooked up a room mate for next year. Good ol' Joey, a guy on my floor I've been hanging out with lately. (Damn, since frat, I haven't seen/talked to Alex at all -- weird.) We're scouting a place to live tommorow.

     Just finished a hell week of midterms and a project, and kicked some hardcore ass.

     Everything is pretty much smoothed over and done with Alena. We don't really talk at all, but we do write. She just doesn't have the time to talk. Thus, I must head out into the wide scary world and find for myself another one to love. Or, at least, lust for. . . You know. One or the other.

     Classes are going well and I'm routinely going out to do things, though not routinely attending afore mentioned classes What? No, I didn't type that - Ghosts).

     And, so, I have settled into probably the most pleasant groove I have been in here. All is well and I am happy. I could use some Agoura people love, but on the other hand, who couldn't?
     All is good on the everything fronts.

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