These are diary entries.
Ubaa Dork Powaa - 4:35 a.m. 05.09.2004
�����Seeing as I've been playing a shit-ton of FFXI, I figured I'd throw up a couple screenshots I've got. Aka: I went through my screenshot folder today, and found a few things that are a tiny bit cool.
�����You are now subjected.

First off, a couple me-fighting-big-things pictures. Hold out, if this is totally disinteresting. Some of the pictures are worth looking at. The last few are pure gold.
Due to laziness, just click these links. They'll open in a new window. Just close it.

Giant Takedown
Giant Takedown #2
Giant Takedown Enraged

The Elusive Battering Ram

Bad Breath Boy

A couple group shots, 'cause I say so.

Some LS Leadership
LS Mates
Another LS Mates Shot
(sssh, don't mention: Averno has since been booted.)

Look! It's Matt!

Gettin' A Little Kiss In
Before We Buttsex It Up

Marteney's Fishing; I'm Bothering

Apparently, even my in-game character is cocky:

Shoutout To Mah Homies
Do I Do This Same Pose?

At some point in the day, today, I came across a Taru couple in love. Awesomenity ensued.

Hit play to see them make out.

Eventually, once the Taru dude walked off, I discovered something excellent. The Taru fem's a whore!

Use the button again to move the frame.
I know, quality on that one isn't too hot. Don't worry. I have a big version of my Favorite Pic.

Finally, some pretty things.

Crag Of Dem
My Moogle On Fire

After further experiments with the sheep DNA, a horrible mistake occured.

I promise that I'll never ever do this to you again.

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Tub Ring - Tiny Little
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Freakin' Guess...