These are diary entries.
backstaba' - 6:31 p.m. 06.04.2004
     Went and saw the new Harry Potter movie last night. Hadn't seen the first two, but this one was alright. Wasn't a whole lot to catch up on, I think.
     But, that isn't what this is about.

     I saw Taylor McDonald! Holy crap! I saw Taylor McDonald!!
     This entry is dedicated to her, and related things, popped into my head.

     Elementary school, fifth grade. This girl - lets call her, for anonymity, "TMD" - sat next to me in class. Cheated off me everyday, wouldn't shut up, etc. Now, I know: fifth grade. It's normal. She may have liked me, she may have just been "hyper", she may have been... whatever. You can't fault a ten year old for being a douche in class. Not really.
     I mean, she was an exceptional douche, but still.

     One day, something came up about homework. I don't remember what anymore. TMD and I "had words". I turned around to walk away, and was promptly stabbed in the back.
     No, literally. She stabbed me in the back, full-force, with a pencil. I still have a mark.
     I hadn't thought of her in years. I don't think I've ever had a legitimate look of shock-and-awe on my face 'til last night.

     All my scars are awesome. I don't have many, not Trigun style, but they all have awesome stories. Stories of me basically just hurting myself.
     I have a burst blood vessel in two of my knuckles from punching a wall in the same school. They shine in the light if I flex my fingers. I didn't punch the wall out of anger.
     Someone dared me.
     Of course, I wasn't an idiot. I wrapped my jacket around my hand first. :)

     Oh man. I wonder if I'll be seeing her around now. She was with a friend.
     I mean, I'm perfectly willing to let bygones be bygones, and I couldn't possibly hold a grudge against someone for something they did when they were ten, but still.
     I'm obligated to stab that girl in the back.
     It simply isn't up to me.

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